The increase to Electric Vehicles (EV's) has been phenomenal: by the end of 2020, there were around 10 million electric vehicles on the roads worldwide. Currently, there are at least three times that number. Want to know more? Keep reading for our extensive guide to...

Reflections and aspirations for Finestream in 2023, from Director Matthew Ford. As we reflect on 2022 we look back on what was for us and the wider finance community a very busy 12 months. Coming out of the tail end of a COVID economy, with everything opening...

Running your own business is full of challenges and ups and downs. We know first hand that having a solid support network around you is key to working through the challenges.   It's great to see the federal government is delivering more funding to allow small...

The federal government has made electric vehicles more affordable after passing the Electric Car Discount Bill through parliament. The bill removes the 5% import tariff for zero- and low-emission vehicles that are beneath the Luxury Car Tax Threshold ($84,916).   The bill also provides a fringe benefits tax...

Freaking out about rising interest rates? If you're currently on a fixed rate, it's important to know the extra costs for when you roll off your fixed rate. Last year, fixed lending made up over 40% of the total mortgage market. So as you may start...

Navigating a changing economy isn’t always straightforward, but Australian small businesses are used to embracing new opportunities. Grants and allowances may be available for small business owners to lean on either in times of financial need or ahead of a growth venture. We’ve rounded up...

There's been some exciting news in the lending space, where for new and existing customers and new applications, an LMI Waiver is on offer to Registered Nurses and Midwives. Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) is a one-off, non-refundable, non-transferrable premium that's added to your home loan...

Borrowing money for your start-up can often feel daunting, but the more prepared you can be the greater chance you have of securing a loan. Knowing and being able to communicate the basics of your business will inform the lender about your business proposal so it can...

At Finestream, we want to profile businesses that we have worked with who inspire us! DB Motors is one such business, that's why we have chosen them for our next Business Profile. You can view our first Business Profile on Adelaide Hills Lawns & Gardens...

It seems every second person is either jumping on a plane to escape the cold, or embarking on a road trip with their caravan in tow. Are you in the market for a caravan? Wondering what kind of caravan you should buy? When you've never...