Finestream Capital Pty Ltd is committed to providing a high level of privacy to its customers and its consultants and other affiliates in relation to the personal information that is collected from them. To display this commitment, we have formulated the following privacy statement for our customer’s viewing.
Collection of Personal Information
The type of information generally collected by Finestream Capital includes your name, address, telephone number, facsimile number, email address and general financial information. We collect this information in order to perform the services that you have requested, to answer the query that you have made, and for other related purposes within your reasonable expectations. We limit the collection of information from you to what is necessary to provide our products and services, to offer new products and services, and to fulfil any legal and regulatory requirements.
Our intention is always to collect your personal information directly from you. If for a valid reason we are unable to do so, we may involve another organisation. For example, when you apply for a credit facility, or in connection with the ongoing management of your loans, we may collect information such as a credit report from a credit reporting agency.
We will not conduct any inquiries into your credit history or exchange information with other credit providers until you have completed and signed Finestream Capital’s Privacy Act authority form.
Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
Finestream Finance will generally only use your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected, and for related purposes which are within your reasonable expectations. Your personal information may also be used in market research and statistical studies, and improvement of our products and services. We will use de-identified information in these circumstances wherever possible.
We may also use your personal information to notify you of new products and services, send surveys to you and keep you informed of any other changes at Finestream Capital which may affect you. If you respond to a survey or questionnaire, your responses will only be used in internal marketing and the improvement of services and products offered to our customers.
If Finestream Capital collects sensitive information from you we will use and store that information in a considerate, discrete and secure manner.
Finestream Capital will not sell your personal information to any third parties.
When Finestream Capital engages external marketing or research service providers these service providers will be required to sign confidentiality agreements.
We will only engage such other organisations where we are assured that that organisation has the same commitment as us to the protection of your personal information. They will only be permitted to use personal information disclosed to them by Finestream Capital for the specific purposes for which it was provided. We will only disclose your personal information to another organisation where we have obtained your consent in writing, orally, or implied from your dealings with us, or where we are required to disclose that information by law.
Personal Information Quality
Our goal is to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To assist us with this, please contact us if any of the details you have provided change. Further, if you believe that the information we have about you is not accurate, complete or up-to-date, please contact us and we will use all reasonable efforts to correct the information.
Personal Information Security
Finestream Capital is committed to keeping secure the data you provide us and we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse or alteration.
By law, we are required to hold certain information about you for a specific period of time, even after you are no longer a Finestream Capital customer. However, after that time you can be assured we will destroy your personal information thoroughly and safely.
We may also hold certain information about you which is required for a purpose of which you are aware or reasonably expect us to hold the information. When that information is no longer needed, it will be safely and thoroughly destroyed or permanently de-identified.
Access to Personal Information
You are entitled to request access to the personal information we hold about you. We are able to provide you with information such as your name, address and contact details quite easily. Where more detailed information is requested, we may need to apply a retrieval fee. This process may take up to 30 days from your request. If we deny, or are unable to fulfil your request, we will let you know why. If you need to access your personal information, please write to us at the address listed to the right.
Promotional Material
We respect that you may not wish to receive special offers, updates or surveys from Finestream Capital. If at any time you wish not to receive further information from Finestream Capital, please contact us at the below address. Ensure that you include your name, postal address, telephone number, email address and any other relevant information so that we can adequately remove your details from our list.
Send an email to:
Send mail to postal address:
Finestream Pty Ltd
PO BOX 268
Amendments to this Privacy Statement
We may amend this Privacy Statement from time to time, but will remain bound by any legislative requirements. We may notify you about changes to this Privacy Statement by posting an updated version on our website.
For more information
If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please email: